AI task management

Automatic task assignment through AI task assistants

No more wasting time with annoying micromanagement.

How Automated Task Assignment Works

Sally recognizes responsible employees.

Sally knows exactly which subtasks are assigned to which employee.

Notification to affected employees.

Responsible employees receive a notification from Sally that their task list has been updated.

The task list of the respective employee is updated.

Employees receive a detailed description of the task with clear instructions.

Efficient task management for clear responsibilities.

Clear responsibilities, less chaos.

Catapult your micromanagement to the next level! The AI automatically transmits the resulting tasks from meetings and emails to the responsible employees.

This allows you to concentrate fully on your core business while everyone in the team is clearly aware of their tasks.

Direct transfer without wasting valuable time.

Thanks to Sally's precise task recognition, everyone can rely on a clear, documented list of tasks. No important task is lost, as everything is meticulously recorded.

Managing directors no longer have to worry about keeping an eye on all tasks. This certainty gives them the freedom to focus on strategic considerations and shape the future of the company.

Everyone is notified You'll be kept up to date.

You don't have to be afraid that important tasks will be overlooked, as Sally informs the responsible employees as well as managing directors or team leads via direct message when an important task is recorded.

So focus on strategic decisions again while Sally keeps an eye on the operational area.

Get Sally shown live and in action!

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