October 2021

How can a chatbot help my company?

Customer service 2.0: How chatbots improve service and reduce costs

CEOs who are responsible for their company usually have two main goals. They strive for maximum turnover while keeping the company's costs as low as possible. A chatbot is a valuable tool that makes a decisive contribution to achieving both goals. Using the Sally voice assistant, we explain how it contributes to reducing costs and increasing sales in business practice.

Chatbots support customers and employees

Automation using chatbots helps to generate revenue and save costs. Chatbots in customer service and support are available to help users with questions. Companies can use chatbots to present their products, advise their customers or inform them about offers and answer specific questions about products or orders. This systematic design of customer relationship processes is essential if you want to be at the forefront and increase your turnover.

Voice assistants also help employees to be more productive at work, because talking to a voice assistant like Sally instead of editing customer data in writing saves a lot of time. By linking the voice assistant to customer relationship management systems (CRM systems), the sales process is significantly optimized, as employees can easily talk to the CRM, not only at their desk, but also on the go.

Generate more revenue with the help of a modern voice assistant

With the help of the Sally voice assistant, notes, appointments and reports from customer visits can be recorded conveniently while on the go. This area of application is well suited for sales representatives. Once they have completed an appointment, a voice-based chatbot can guide them through the most important steps to log their visit. Preparing for visits can also simply be read aloud. In this way, your employees save time, can use routes productively and can concentrate entirely on selling the products again. Increased productivity and process optimization lead, in turn, to more sales.

Sally is used for cutting-edge sales process optimization, which can be used profitably in very different industries and works according to the guided working principle. Employees are guided through work and sales processes in a structured manner by language assistants and thus achieve better results, which are reflected in more turnover. Guided work enables sales staff to work more efficiently and can concentrate entirely on their core competencies. This means focusing on sales and better sales figures in the balance sheet.

Benefit from structured data at all levels

Customer care and customer management are significantly simplified by Sally. Based on structured data, employees systematically receive more information about their customers.

In addition, the chatbot can give employees valuable input if they are intelligently linked to data sets. If the intelligent assistant is able to compare customers based on their purchasing power or other criteria, patterns may be identified. These are communicated to the sales representative by the chatbot so that they can integrate them into their conversations. He can then present to a customer, for example, a product that is very popular among comparable customers. In this way, sales calls can be streamlined and lead to better sales figures through offers that are specifically tailored to the needs of customers.

With the help of voice assistants and chatbots, CEOs are able to make well-founded and therefore efficient business decisions through a better market overview. Sally feeds your CRM with valuable and structured data. The evaluation of this data gives the company an advantage over the competition and increases sales in the long term.

Smart chatbots save customer service costs

Using a chatbot like Sally in customer service can help companies cut costs and still provide customers with the same or even better service as a human employee. Using a pre-set questionnaire, the chatbot determines the needs of customers in order to be able to create an individual offer step by step.

In the automotive industry, for example, chatbots are able to configure a vehicle specifically for a customer. The use of images or even augmented reality applications allows users to explore the options available on a computer or smartphone. Conveniently configuring a vehicle in the comfort of your own home has a decisive advantage: The customer is in a relaxed situation. He is not bound to opening hours and can obtain flexible information. If the chatbot reaches its limits or if a follow-up is necessary, it is forwarded to a human agent.

Clear work processes prevent errors and save training costs

With the Sally chatbot, work processes are clearly communicated and structured for employees. Instead of struggling with the mouse and keyboard, your employees simply talk to Sally, who is connected to the CRM. Extensive training on how to use CRM effectively is therefore no longer necessary, as Sally is intuitive to use. This not only prevents errors, but also saves training costs.

sally works like a simple app and is suitable for Android and iOS. The use can be easily integrated into the usual daily and operational routine. A “Hey Sally” is enough and the Sally app starts. Sally can be integrated into a company's IT infrastructure in just a few steps. By the way, the smart assistant was developed together with works councils and is therefore absolutely in compliance with works councils.

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