Many sales managers are familiar with the problem that their orders from existing customers are stagnating. This is very damaging to business as it is more difficult to acquire new customers than to retain existing customers. Companies thrive on long-term relationships with satisfied customers. But why do existing customers no longer want to order?
Sales managers often search desperately for the reason for the stagnation of orders without realizing the real problem: Overworked sales staff who can no longer save themselves from administrative tasks and therefore focus less on customers.
Every day, salespeople have to perform a number of time-consuming tasks that have nothing to do with the actual tasks of a salesperson - namely selling. Establishing long-term customer relationships often falls by the wayside and this ultimately leads to customer dissatisfaction.
But with the high demands and the large number of time-consuming tasks, how do you relieve sales staff and increase sales performance in 2022?
This is where artificial voice assistants come into play.
Relieve desperate sales staff and improve sales performance with artificial language assistants
Voice assistants can relieve sales staff and help them focus on what's important again: the customer. A voice assistant can help salespeople with time-consuming tasks by allowing simple inputs into the system. The following describes three specific examples of how language assistants can reduce administrative costs in sales and thus relieve sales staff.
Visit reports
Instead of spending hours writing visit reports and manually entering customer information into various systems, salespeople can use voice assistants to easily and quickly enter this information into the system. They can simply record their spoken information and hand it over to the voice assistant, which then enters it into the correct system.
You can simply ask the voice assistant to make a specific appointment with a customer and it will automatically be added to your calendar. The voice assistant can also remind you when an appointment is pending, so that the sales representative never misses an important appointment.
Preparation of offers
Creating offers is also easier than ever with a voice bot: The sales representative can simply enter the customer's requirements and the voice assistant automatically creates a suitable offer by comparing old, similar offers and offering a suitable price. Here you can save yourself hours of research.
By using AI-based voice assistants, salespeople can become motivated and successful salespeople again. They can focus on the customer again and use their time wisely. This leads to stronger customer loyalty and puts an end to the stagnation of sales.
It is therefore essential to work with voice assistants in sales in the future. Companies should take action now and use the possibilities of artificial intelligence to relieve their sales staff and make them more successful. With voice assistants, companies can strengthen customer loyalty and move their business forward.
It is advisable to get help from external experts so that the implementation runs smoothly and common mistakes, as described in an old [post] by us, are avoided.
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