February 2021

Sales 101: Everything you need to know about sales tasks

A guide with the most important tasks in sales.

Successful sales are decisive for the success of a company. But what exactly are the tasks of sales? In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of sales, the most important sales tasks and tips for a successful sales strategy. Whether you're a CEO, sales manager, or salesperson, this blog post is for you!

The importance of sales

Sales is at the heart of a successful company. It is the department that deals with selling products and services. Good sales ensure that the company grows and is successful. However, without successful sales, a company will struggle to achieve its revenue goals. Successful sales are therefore essential for every company.

The most important tasks of sales

The main task of sales is to sell products and services. But there are many other important tasks that sales must fulfill. Here are a few of them.

Customer acquisition

Sales must find potential customers and convince them of the quality of the products or services. Successful customer acquisition requires a good knowledge of the target group, customer needs and the competitive environment. Sales must be able to highlight the benefits of their own products and services and convince potential customers that they offer the best offer on the market.

customer loyalty

Another important task of sales is customer loyalty. It's not enough just to get new customers, it's just as important to retain existing customers. A satisfied customer will not only come back, but will also support the company through positive reviews and recommendations. Sales must ensure that customer needs and expectations are met and make them feel valued. Good customer loyalty is the key to success and sustainable business development.

market analysis

Another important aspect of sales is market analysis. Sales must constantly monitor and analyze the market in order to identify trends and adapt to changes in the market. Through continuous market monitoring, sales can react quickly to changes in the market and adapt the offer accordingly. This is not only about increasing your own market share, but also about improving your positioning against the competition.

Competitive analysis

In addition to market analysis, competitor analysis also plays an important role in sales. Sales must keep an eye on the competition and find out about their products and strategies. A competitor analysis can help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your own offering and to differentiate yourself from the competition. On this basis, sales can develop a differentiating sales strategy and thus strengthen their competitive position.

sales planning

Strategic sales planning and management is essential to successfully complete these tasks. Sales must have a clear idea of who the target group is, which products and services should be offered, and what the sales channels should look like. Only on this basis can a successful sales strategy be developed. The next section presents some tips for a successful sales strategy.

Tips for a successful sales strategy

Now that you know what specific tasks sales have, let's take a closer look at what is needed for a successful sales strategy. A successful strategy requires a lot of work and time. Here are a few tips that can help you do just that:

- Identify your target audience: You need to know who your target audience is to develop the right sales strategy.

- Make sure you're using the right channels: You should use the channels that best reach your target audience.

- Train your salespeople: Successful sales depends on the skills of your salespeople. Invest in training so your salespeople are always up to date.

- Use technology: Technology can automate the sales process and make it more efficient. Use advanced technologies such as CRM systems to automate your sales processes.


Overall, it can be said that sales are an essential part of a successful company. Without successful sales, a company can struggle to achieve its goals and grow. Sales has many important tasks, such as customer acquisition, customer loyalty, market and competition analysis. A successful sales strategy requires good audience identification, use of the right channels, training salespeople, and the use of technology.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your company has successful sales and is therefore on the road to success.

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