February 2021

When does a chatbot make sense in a company?

What is important when implementing a chatbot in a company.

A chatbot is a virtual advisor that supports interaction between companies and potential customers on online platforms. Chatbots are robots that are based on artificial intelligence and communicate with customers via a chat.

Before a chatbot is introduced into a company, it is necessary to carry out a detailed analysis to ensure that the digital assistant offers added value and optimally supports business goals. Here you can find out when a chatbot makes sense and what needs to be considered when implementing chatbot solutions.

A clear goal is crucial for chatbot success

A chatbot is programmed to answer customer inquiries 24 hours a day and to help customers find information. If, for example, your goal is to process 75% of direct customer inquiries that are currently being answered by employees using the chatbot or to save on CRM training costs, then it makes sense to analyse the possible use of a digital assistant in more detail. The more specifically your goals and thus the tasks of the chatbot are formulated, the more precisely it can be optimized in order to achieve the goals.

Since the use of a chatbot has a direct impact on your brand, it is important to consider carefully in advance how and in what form your bot should appear. Which brand message should it embody and how should it be integrated into your overall communication concept?

What specific added value does the chatbot offer your users?

Instant messaging systems, support sites, online shops and websites use chatbots to answer customer inquiries efficiently. The biggest added value for the user is the around-the-clock service. The virtual assistant is ready 24/7 to answer inquiries and provide direct assistance. This continuous availability is the biggest added value of digital assistants, which is appreciated by customers.

A chatbot is an effective option for customer support, especially for inquiries that can be answered with purely linguistic content in speech or writing. If, on the other hand, answers are required that are based on visualizations, they may not be optimally supported by a chatbot.

The target group and benefits of chatbots

Not every target group has the tendency to use a chatbot and accept this virtual form of advice. Unfortunately, there is no general answer to the question of who uses the services of a chatbot for which purposes. It is therefore necessary and useful for companies to intensively study the user behavior of their potential target group before implementing a chatbot solution.

Ask specific questions such as: What are the expectations of my target group when it comes to service inquiries? Which communication platform is the target group for my bot (Microsoft Teams, Slack, Facebook, CRM) on and is it possible to integrate the digital assistant here? Is my target group mobile and therefore needs optimised service solutions?

The legal and system-related connection

An important criterion for the successful integration of a chatbot into existing systems is also the appropriate IT landscape. Not every existing system is compatible with a bot. Therefore, clarify in advance whether integration via interfaces such as APIs is possible and which bots are supported by your system.

In addition to IT, great attention must be paid to the legal component. Issues such as the correct handling of personal data and data protection should not be ignored under any circumstances. Therefore, seek legal advice before implementing a bot.

Optimized chatbot solutions that are tailored to your business goals

Would you like to take your customer communication to a new level and get more benefit from customer contacts? Chatbots such as Sally Assistant help companies optimize customer satisfaction and communication by using the Sally digital assistant.

The implementation follows a well-thought-out phase concept, which enables continuous evaluation and alignment with your corporate goals. Get in touch with our team and find out how your company can specifically benefit from a digital assistant.

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