August 2024

Why you should use AI meeting transcription?

Why should you rely on AI transcription and what benefits does it have for you? You can find the answer here! Explanation ✓ Benefits ✓ GDPR ✓

AI transcription as a game changer for your everyday life

Artificial intelligence is on the rise — in every industry. Part of it is the AI transcription. With this, you not only give your company a digital advantage, you finally have time again for the important tasks in your everyday life. Don't you think so? Then read on! In this article, we'll explain why AI transcription is the future.

Online meeting with an AI meeting assistant

AI transcription — for what anyway?

Meetings from morning to evening. Not only does your head smoke, but also your hand from taking notes. Now finally — long after 5 p.m. — you finally get around to organizing your notes from the day and preparing them for the next day. But there is a problem. The exact arrangements from the meetings have been lost to you during the day and even your notes are of no great help. Either they are illegible or the connection is no longer clear to you. The advent of more and more online meetings has exacerbated this problem.

From the many consultations with our 25,000 users, we know that this is a standard scenario in German offices. This is exactly where AI transcription comes into play. Appropriate software transcribes the spoken word from the meetings into a written text. What's more: The software also “hears out” nuances such as emotions or connections, which it also writes down. You can therefore understand what — and especially how — was said in the meeting. The AI transcription therefore functions as “Four-ear principle”, as human capacity is exhausted at some point, even at the highest concentration.

The great thing about it: A Software for AI transcription can be used in almost any industry where people meet. And since there will still be meetings in the future, AI transcription as a tool is timeless. Depending on the tool, there are also various options that further automate your everyday life, for example by linking to your CRM.

Three benefits of AI transcription

Using an AI transcription for your business gives you many benefits. We hear three things from the practice of our customers over and over again. In addition, we'll tell you a fourth one at the end of the article. So it's worth sticking with it!

Online meeting with automatic transcription

- More revenue opportunities: In particular, AI transcription gives you time to dedicate yourself to activities in the company that generate revenue. Ask yourself: Are you really with the customer at the meeting when you're still busy busy taking notes?

- More time for strategic planning: The automatic transcription of meetings also means that you can invest more energy in the strategic direction of your company or department. Administrative ballast is a thing of the past.

- More employee satisfaction: There is probably hardly anyone who likes to write minutes. By using AI transcription, your employees can finally concentrate on their core competencies. In the long term, they are therefore more motivated and ambitious. This increases employee loyalty and makes you more attractive as an employer in times of a shortage of skilled workers!

These are three of the countless benefits of AI transcription, which can be directly measured and therefore also scalable. Others, such as better documentation and storage of important documents, are also added.

Implementation of AI transcription software

Introducing new tools can be a challenge. Long-established employees in particular often want to maintain the status quo. When implementing an AI transcription, it is therefore important that you translate the many benefits for your employees and bring them closer to them. However, this also means that the software for automatic transcription or the process of implementation should have certain features in order to make the transition as “soft” as possible. Most AI transcription providers offer free trial periods. During this time

Can you get used to using the tool and you can already see here how intuitive it is to use. It also makes sense here to try out different tools and then decide. It is also crucial that you know exactly what you need, as the features of the individual providers are sometimes very different. We have already published several articles on our blog, in which we present our own product Sally, for example with or Sonix compare.

AI transcription software alternatives

In our experience, the easy and intuitive usability mentioned above is an important point in practice. There is a risk that the tool will generate more effort in everyday life and is therefore no relief. The operation should therefore be easy to learn and easy to use — even for employees who are less tech-savvy. This makes it immensely easier to implement new software. The faster your employees get Benefits of AI transcription recognize, the sooner they will use them full of motivation. At Sally, for example, in addition to AI transcription, we also offer a task manager that automatically checks off completed tasks. Good customer service is also a decisive component of which AI tool you ultimately choose. What good is the best software for you if you don't have a contact person in case of problems? That's right! Nothing! This has enormous potential for frustration. It is therefore advisable to pay less attention to the price and much more to the service provided in relation to the price. For example, it is important when and how customer service can be reached and how quickly can the situation be remedied. Support in implementing AI transcription is also an important cornerstone of good service.

Another point is how the AI transcription service can be individually adapted to you, your team or your company. An off-the-shelf product is highly recommended — after all, artificial intelligence should serve you and AI transcription should really solve a problem for you. Since the extensions of the individual tools can be very different, it is worth taking a look at our blog, which presents various alternatives.

AI Transcription and Privacy

GDPR AI meeting transcription

An important issue at Transcription using artificial intelligence is data protection. Companies should and must know what is happening with their data and where it is stored. Many of the tools for AI transcription are hosted in America, which can make data protection more complex. Sally, on the other hand, is hosted in Europe and therefore meets all DVSGO data protection requirements. Of course, Sally only takes part in meetings and transcribes them if you set this explicitly. Sally can also be removed from the meeting at any time with a mouse click.

Conclusion — AI transcription for a better quality of life

In the section above, we promised you another benefit of AI transcription. This has less to do with your business, but much more to do with you as a person. After all, it is important that not only does your business or company move forward, but that you also think of yourself as a person. An AI transcription tool can save time, money and nerves. But it is much more important that it gives you more time for the really important things in life — your “why.” Whether it's bringing more purpose to the world or more quality time with your loved ones — artificial intelligence can help you do that if you use it wisely and precisely. In an introductory meeting, we would be happy to see how we can make your company and your life better.

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