Meeting assistants configuring

You can individually configure and personalize your meeting bot so that it is optimally tailored to your needs. You also have both admin settings for the entire organization as well as personal settings available.

Here's how to open Settings:

  1. At the bottom left, click takes.

2. Open the tab Meeting assistant.

Here you'll find all available options, divided into admin settings and personal settings. We will explain them in detail below.

Admin settings (company settings)

These settings apply to the entire organization and affect all users within the same directory.

Managing meeting bot names

The admin can determine whether users can choose their own bot name or whether a uniform name applies to the entire organization:

  • Allow individual name selection → Activate option
  • Use a unique name → Leave the option deactivated and set the desired default name

More admin settings

  • Automatic privacy notice: Automatically sends a privacy message to the chat when the meeting starts.
  • Resend: If activated, the privacy notice is sent again when a new participant joins the meeting.
  • Adjust profile picture: Allows you to upload a background image for the meeting bot to support custom branding.

Personal settings (user preferences)

These options apply to individual users and can be customized individually.

Control meeting attendance

Determine which meetings the meeting bot should attend:

Personal bot name

If the admin has allowed individual naming, you can set a personalized name for your meeting assistant here.